
A Detailed Comparison of International Network Routes of Telecom Operators Print

  • VPS, VDS, Line Comparison, Operator / Carrier, China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile, International Routes, Optimized Routes
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  1. China Telecom

Telecom backbone network :

  • ChinaNet163 (AS4134) : China Telecom’s self-built backbone network, with the largest international export, suitable for general broadband and enterprise broadband.
  • CN2 (AS4809) : The second-generation backbone network of telecommunications, with advanced technology and flexible routing, is suitable for high-quality cross-border business and enterprise-specific use. The CN2 network still maintains good performance during peak hours, but it is necessary to pay attention to whether it is a bidirectional CN2 to ensure the best network experience.

Telecom lines : Telecom networks may be congested during peak hours, especially ChinaNet163 lines, but the emergence of CN2 lines has optimized some international connections. When choosing a VPS, try to choose a service with CN2 GT/GIA lines to ensure better network performance.

  1. China Unicom

China Unicom backbone network :

  • ChineNet169 (AS4837) : Self-built backbone network, with international exports second only to China Telecom, suitable for general broadband, commercial broadband, and enterprise broadband.
  • China NetCom (AS9929) : Inherits Netcom backbone network, has small international exports but few users, and is mainly used for corporate cross-border business.
  • China Unicom Global (AS10099) : Responsible for the international segment and has flexible international access capabilities.

China Unicom lines : China Unicom's international exports, especially in Guangdong and Shanghai, perform well. China Unicom has fewer users, and its exports are less congested than those of China Telecom and China Mobile. It is particularly suitable for international lines that require stable connections, especially those to Japan and Europe.

  1. China Mobile

Mobile Network :

  • CMI (China Mobile International) : China Mobile provides high-speed and reliable international data transmission services around the world through its own data centers and extensive submarine cable networks. It is particularly outstanding in connecting data centers in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.

Mobile lines : China Mobile used to perform well in international outbound traffic, but with the increase in users, especially after promoting free broadband services to new users, the problem of insufficient outbound bandwidth has become increasingly obvious. Although the connection performance to Asian countries such as Singapore, Australia, and Japan is acceptable, the connection to the United States and Europe is seriously delayed and congested. In addition, CMI Network provides relatively high-quality connections through its own lines and lines of partners such as PCCW (PCCW), especially to data centers in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia .


The three major operators each have their own advantages and disadvantages:

  • China Telecom : Suitable for users who need stable international connections, especially those who choose CN2 line services.
  • China Unicom : Stable exports, few users, suitable for businesses that are sensitive to network delays.
  • China Mobile : The connection performance in Asia is better, but it is not as good as the first two on European and American lines.

You can choose the appropriate operator and its routes based on your business needs and target areas.

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