Admd Terms of Service (TOS)

Admd Terms of Service (TOS)

  • Saturday, 22nd June, 2024
  • 13:07pm

In order to ensure the normal operation of the business and to improve the quality of service, by using Admd's services, you accept and agree to the following terms of service.Admd reserves the right to modify these terms at any time, and any changes will be notified to the customer through the registered email.

1. Use of services

You may use our Services provided that you are of legal age to enter into legally binding contracts and are not prohibited from receiving such services by the laws of your country or other applicable jurisdiction. When accessing our Services, you will be required to provide accurate identification, contact and other information. You are responsible for the confidentiality of your account information and for all activities that occur under your account, and agree to notify Admd immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or other breach of security. admd is not responsible for damages resulting from the provision of inaccurate information or failure to ensure the security of your account.

2. Acceptable conduct

You are responsible for all user behavior on your account and for any data created, stored, displayed or transmitted while using Admd. Participation in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the Admd service or connection to the Admd network is prohibited.

3. Prohibition of use

The following behaviors are considered prohibited and will result in immediate account suspension or cancellation without refund and may result in additional fees; and/or seeking civil remedies without prior notice.

  • Resource Misuse: Intentional misuse of resources, including, but not limited to, excessive consumption of network traffic, CPU power, or disk IO.
  • TikTok Program: Use of TikTok bots is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate account termination without refund.
  • Spam and Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE): Admd has a zero tolerance policy for spam, junk mail or UBE. You are responsible for traffic outbound from the IP space you purchased, and for complaints against your IP address, you must respond within 24 hours to prevent service interruptions.
  • Illegal Use: Includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized access to other computers, networks, devices, and accounts, transmission, distribution, or storage of information, data, or material that violates the laws and regulations of the country in which you reside, infringes on copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, or other intellectual property rights. Any form of illegal business will result in immediate suspension or termination of service without refund.
  • Proxies and VPNs: Any type of Tor / Open Proxy / Anonymous Proxy is strictly prohibited, as such services usually lead to illegal activities.
  • Other Harmful Activities: Includes activities that harm Admd's operations, property and other customers by providing false information.

4. Invoicing and payment

You agree that Admd has the right to deduct payments from your payment method on a monthly, annual or other agreed upon basis. Payments are due at the time of invoice. Accounts that are 3 days past due may be subject to disconnection of service. accounts that are not recoverable by Admd may be forwarded to an outside recycling organization for recycling. You understand that Admd may change pricing and fees for services at any time. In the event of a financial shock that affects exchange rates, Admd may change the pricing of the Services in order to continue to provide the Services without interruption.

5. Refund policy

Admd only allows refunds for quality issues with products within 24 hours, excluding the following:

  • Obvious fraud
  • Intentional service abuse
  • Become a target of DDoS attacks
  • Repatriation/airport and other irregular and illegal operations
  • Any form of illegal or irregular business
  • Refunds will be made in the same manner as the original payment. After the refund has been processed, the account may be used for future orders, but will no longer be eligible for further refunds.

6. E-mail verification

Before using your account, your email address must be verified. Only after successful verification can you officially activate your account and enjoy the service.

7. Uptime guarantees

Admd provides 99.9% uptime on all hardware and network connections (except where noted).

8. Customer support and boundaries of responsibility

Admd is responsible for keeping hardware and systems running healthy and is not responsible for programming or system administration of client systems. For hosting services, please consult our staff for a quote.Admd does not back up your data and is not responsible for the loss of your data. Please back up your data on a regular basis.Admd does not provide support for your clients.

9. User rights and obligations

9.1 You have the right to use the Internet server rental services provided by Admd, but Admd does not provide any form of technical support or consulting services, the specific services are detailed in the relevant product introduction on this website.

9.2 You warrant that you will not use technical or other means to damage or disrupt the Website and the websites of Admd's other customers.

9.3 You shall respect the intellectual property rights and other legal rights of Admd and other third parties, and guarantee to do your best to protect Admd and its shareholders, employees, partners, etc., from being affected or lost due to the violation of the above rights and interests; Admd reserves the right to terminate the provision of the services to you and not to refund any money if you violate the legal rights and interests of Admd.

9.4 You shall be solely responsible for all the consequences caused by the incorrect contact information provided by you to Admd, as well as the poor security and stability of the e-mail address used by you to receive e-mails from Admd, including but not limited to the consequences and losses caused by your failure to receive the relevant notices from Admd in a timely manner.

9.5 You guarantee:

9.5.1 When you use Admd products or services, you will comply with national and local laws and regulations, industry practices and public morals, and will not utilize the services provided by Admd for storing, publishing, or disseminating the following information and content: Any content (information) that violates national laws and policies; Political propaganda or news information that violates state regulations; Information involving state secrets or security; Feudal and superstitious or obscene, pornographic or indecent information or information that abets crime; Betting with prizes, games of chance; information that violates the State's ethnic and religious policies; Information that interferes with the security of Internet operations; Information that infringes on the lawful rights and interests of others or other information or content that is detrimental to social order, social security, or public morality; and You also undertake not to provide any facilities for others to publish the above information content that does not comply with the state regulations or the agreement of these Terms of Service, including but not limited to setting URLs, BANNER links and so on;. Shall not occupy Admd computing resources in large quantities (including but not limited to Internet mining, traffic brushing, private service and other behaviors) and bring serious and unreasonable impact on the network, server system, application, etc. of the Admd platform or Admd's other users, resulting in the Admd platform's products and services or Admd's other users' servers jamming, crashing, or users' applications based on the Cloud Platform, etc; Any form of unauthorized access to or use of data, systems or networks, including websites and/or services. Unauthorized interference with any user's service, host, or network. Malicious programs are introduced into networks or servers (e.g., viruses and worms), including websites and/or services. Circumventing user and security authentication for any host, network, or account. Use our services for security compromising or other websites.

You acknowledge that Admd has the right to terminate the provision of services to you and not to refund any money if you violate the above agreement, and that you shall compensate for any loss caused to Admd as a result of your above behavior. You guarantee that you will not engage in any behavior that abuses Admd's resources, including but not limited to any hacking-related behaviors, virtual currency mining, grid computing, robbing, and so on. Once discovered, the account will be banned and the account balance will not be refunded. You guarantee that you will not open your website to the public without completing the ICP record by Admd. You guarantee that the cell phone number, email address and QQ used during registration will be valid for a long time. Once the cell phone number is found to be expired and has not been modified after notification, it will be regarded as an invalid user, and the account will be banned and the account balance will not be returned. You guarantee that your business will not be subject to large-scale DDOS attacks. You recognize that Admd has the right to unbind the public IP of the resources when you are under attack, or even freeze the account and terminate the service to you.

9.5.2 The use of Admd products or services shall be subject to the Terms of Service you have entered into with Admd, Admd's administrative specifications on the relevant pages of, processes, service descriptions, price descriptions, and the contents of the ordering page to which you have confirmed your agreement, including but not limited to: You should pay or renew your subscription on time, and you are solely responsible for any damages caused by failure to renew your subscription in a timely manner. There should not be any behavior that undermines or attempts to undermine network security, etc. If you violate the above warranty, Admd, in addition to the right to take measures in accordance with the relevant terms of service to delete the information, suspend the service, terminate the service, and the right to restrict some or all of the functions of your account such as new purchase of products or services, renewal of subscription, etc., and if Admd incurs any loss due to the above actions of you, you shall compensate for the losses incurred by Admd.

9.5.3 Provide true and valid real-name identification information when authenticating your account. If your identity information is forged or you use another person's (not your own) real-name authentication identity information, it will be regarded as fraud, and Admd has the right to take measures such as deleting the information, suspending the service, terminating the service without refunding the money according to the relevant terms of service and restricting your account to part or all of its functions such as purchasing new products or services, renewing the subscription fee and so on, and if Admd incurs any loss due to the above behaviors of yours, you shall compensate for the losses incurred.

9.6 If you use a Service that contains downloadable Admd software, Admd grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-commercial license for personal use only. Unless otherwise expressly stated by Admd or agreed with you, you may not copy, modify, distribute, sell or rent the Services or any portion of the included software, nor may you reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code of such software.

9.7 Traffic Usage Your monthly data transfer is determined by your purchase of a specific service. If your usage exceeds your monthly limit, your account will be suspended and resumed at the beginning of the next month or on your billing date, depending on the product or service. Unused traffic is not carried over to the next month's traffic.

9.8 Fair Use Policy We offer specific services or subscriptions to our customers, and we expect users to use each service as described, which is defined as normal, fair, and reasonable use throughout any given billing cycle. When we determine that a particular user is using a service or subscription in an unreasonable manner, we may take action to mitigate the negative impact, and these means include, but are not limited to, connection limits and access restrictions. Unfair use includes, but is not limited to, the following:

9.8.1 Subletting, Disclosure, Secondary Sales of Admd Accounts or Services.

9.8.2 Uninterrupted use of all types of P2P, BT, PT download services.

9.8.3 Running programs that consume large amounts of resources for long periods of time on a single resource provisioning point.

9.8.4 Conducting behavior at the Resource Delivery Point that violates the laws and regulations of the country or region where the Resource Delivery Point is located.

9.9 Promotion rebate (AFF) related rules, in order to ensure the principle of fairness, you guarantee:

9.9.1 Refrain from engaging in AFF fraudulent behavior, including but not limited to registering small numbers to abuse the promotion rebate function for their own benefit

9.9.2 Do not register a trumpet to abuse the promotion rebate function, including but not limited to the use of other people's identity information (not my identity information) for real-name authentication to register a trumpet, abuse of the promotion rebate

9.9.3 If you violate the above promotion rebate related rules, we have the right to take measures such as deleting the information, suspending the service, terminating the service without refund according to the relevant terms of service.

Such activities are strictly prohibited and may result in immediate suspension or termination of service without refund.

10. Illegal use

10.1 You shall not use the resources provided by the Service to maliciously scan, attack, spam, or otherwise obstruct other users.

10.2 You must not use the Service to provide resources by engaging in the act of subletting resources.

10.3 You may not use the resources of the Service to provide services such as web hosting, VPS, VOIP, private service, proxy server (Proxy), e-mail advertising (SPAM), etc. Otherwise, the Service has the right to disconnect the access server from the network and power supply, and to be retired.

10.4 Any type of Tor / Open Proxy / Anonymous Proxy is strictly prohibited.

10.5 Any type of any form of cross-border network transmission agency business is strictly prohibited, otherwise the Service has the right to disconnect the access server from the network and power supply, and be retired.

11. Disclosure to law enforcement

This TOS prohibits the use of our services for illegal activities. Customer agrees that Admd may disclose customer information, including assigned IP, account history, account usage, etc., to any court that sends us a valid court order without further notice to customer. In addition, Admd reserves the right to terminate all services under this agreement.

12. Warranty disclaimer

You agree to use Admd at your own risk. all services provided by Admd are provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind.

13. Claims

Client agrees to indemnify Admd for any damages lost or incurred by Admd as a result of any violation of the TOS. In the event that Admd is sued as a result of Client's or Client's Client's activities, Client will pay any damages incurred by Admd, as well as all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees.

14. Complete agreements


These Terms constitute the entire understanding between the Customer and Admd and supersede any and all prior agreements, arrangements, representations and contracts, whether oral or written, express or implied. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China, and disputes arising shall be submitted to the people's court of competent jurisdiction in the place where this Agreement is signed.
